Title: The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic
Author: Kamban / R. K. Narayan
Year: 1972 (Kindle edition)
More listening time!! I feel like that has been a theme I keep picking up on in this second half. People try to tell folks hey, watch out for this or don't do that. They don't listen. Not great things happen.
After the not great things? Folks are like "Oh crap, I should have listened!"
Now granted. If they had listened....there wouldn't be a story. If Ravana had listened to Vibhishana. If yesterday Vali had listened to Tara. For the most part Rama is the only one who asks other people for advice and considers it. Even that is an issue sometimes. Whole theme of everything needs to be what happens when you stop and listen. Consider the advice, take note of the warnings. Make a plan.
"LISTEN" by elycefeliz is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
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