Title: The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic
Author: Kamban / R. K. Narayan
Year: 1972 (Kindle edition)
Poor Soorpanaka! She's got a bad case of wanting Jessie's girl, except it is Sita's man. She just will NOT give it up and gets mutilated when she tries to take Sita out of the picture. She basically promises Rama the moon and then some and he's just like nope. So she leaves, but is going to come back with some friends to show him who the boss is - still don't think he's going to ask her out though.
Soorpanka's first friend (Her brother Kara) is not successful - rocks fall, everyone dies. Tragedy! Horror! Time to try another brother!
She's off to see Ravana now. This brother she tells all about how awesome Sita is. So now Ravana is full on Jessie's girl about Sita and Soorpanaka is still having Sita's man feelings about Rama. It would be easier if this wasn't an epic with heroes and villains. They could go on that wife swap show, everyone would probably hate each other by the end and there would be less tragedy.
Also less kidnapping but if there was less kidnapping the story might be over.
Apparently there is/was an 80s cover band called Jessie's Girl. I kept thinking of the song lyrics about someone wishing they had another person's girl/guy and this photo came up. And it's just so dramatic looking like "Oh my gosh, I'm in the floor and I'm PINING"
"Jessie's Girl - The World's Hottest 80s Tribute Band" by danperezfilms is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
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