Monday, February 15, 2021

Feedback Strategies

 I read How to Give Bad Feedback without Being a Jerk and The Trouble with Amazing. I also skimmed most of the other articles, looking at them from a social work client interaction perspective. 

I know that in my practicum so far, there have actually been times and clients who you have to go backwards and just say amazing, I'm so glad you are here. But that's a social work thing and all about knowing your audience - if you've got someone who just walked in looking for food and resources on mental health a lot of stuff does not apply in that moment.

Once we've worked with someone for a while, more constructive feedback might come in to play. It just totally depends on the person and where they are in their journey. It is a bit difficult for me to remember to switch out of my social work mode and back into story feedback mode. That is something I'll have to work on throughout the semester!

They wouldn't make erasers if we didn't make mistakes

Found on Feedback padlet

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