Monday, April 19, 2021

Wikipedia trail: From Peafowl to Beethoven's 9th

 So I started off with Peafowl because I was specifically looking for information on peacocks for a story featuring Saraswati. In the story she is actually using wikipedia so I needed to see what sort of trail I could come up with!

An easy fun read from peafowl is iridescence. Peacocks have such shimmery feathers, so it's great to click over to this article, read a bit about iridescence in general and then see what else is considered iridescence. The weird one was the description of the sheen on raw meat. Accurate, but ew.

Rather than read about meat, I clicked into compact discs. Yes, apparently they still make them! Seems to be largely about computer/business use now and less about media. Also first fun fact would be asking someone hey, what to peacocks and CDs have in common? They're both sparkly! 

Finally I found my way to the wikipedia page for Beethoven's 9th symphony. There was a fun tidbit on the CD Page that supposedly the size of CDs were picked because the tech at the time allowed for the entirety of Beethoven's 9th to be placed on one disc. Apparently an original, handwritten manuscript of this symphony was the first musical score added to the Memory of the World Programme Heritage List by the UN. 

Photo of a peacock statue in Jaipur -  "Peacock" by guy_incognito is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

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